Monday, November 26, 2012

Flower Garden with Washcloth Animals

Girls Assortment With Washcloth Butterfly

Boys Cupcakes 4-pack

Lemon Drop Diaper Cupcakes

Cheryl's Cupcakes- baby girl

For some reason blogger will not allow me to turn the bottom picture. I had the best time making these sweet little bite sized morsels for this sweet little girl on the way, and they were so easy to "bake". Just roll up a diaper length wise and place into a cupcake wrapper. The "frosting" on the cupcake is a rolled up baby washcloth. Just roll the washcloth up like you would a jellyroll, then roll it again leaning a little to the left. To secure it, I used a little straight pin hidden under the first layer of washcloth. Then came the decoration of the dancer on top! So much fun to get in tune with my girly side when I am surround by my boys all the time :)

Kathy's Diaper Cake-Kaylee

Sarah's Diaper Cake- Carrie

Priscilla's Diaper Cakes- Isaac